The Somme Valley Véloroute (or GR800 if you prefer) is 125km of bike paths from the Baie of Somme in Abbeville through Epagne-Epagnette, Eaucourt sur Somme, Longpré-les-Corps-Saints, Amiens down to Péronne.


Whether you’re on foot, bike, scooter, rollerblades or electric boat, anything goes! You choose the mode of transport that best suits you, your kids, friends, hiking group etc.

Ride with the family

The Véloroute is a great route for families : it’s a flat and safe. Picnic areas pepper the route and there are lots of family-friendly things to do:  nature workshops at the Marsh Centre in Longpré-les-Corps-Saints, electric boats, Guidon windmill and the Château d’Eaucourt-sur-Somme ruins, Grand-Laviers bird reserve and closer to the bay, the “bas champs” (lower fields).

Wear a helmet (compulsory for under 12s).

Long - A.Machu

Fancy an adventure ?

Hit the Somme Valley Véloroute whether you’re flying solo, as a couple or with friends for a weekend, a few days or a week. You can do it either way! Go there on the bike and come back on the train. No matter your budget, find a place to stay and a bite to eat on the banks of the Somme. Peace and quiet reign, time stands still, the landscapes reveal themselves, incredible nature sites and beautiful stones tell you their stories at a viewfinder table.

Around Amiens you can visit Samara, Jules Vernes’ house, the floating gardens and cathedral.

If you want more routes

The Somme Valley Véloroute hooks up with 2 other green paths too: the Ponthieu Crossing between Abbeville and Bernâtre (24km) and the “Longpré-les-Corps-Saints to Oisemont” path (18km); not forgetting the bike path network around Abbeville and the Baie de Somme.

Abbeville > Saint-Valery-sur-Somme: 18km
Abbeville > Long: 17km
Long > Amiens: 33km